All Chapters Summary English Core XII CBSE and Vistas are the tow books prescribed by the CBSE for the XII class.Very Short Answer Questions: Based on an extract from poetry to test comprehension and appreciation.Short Answer Questions: Based on prose / drama / poetry from both the texts. 
Long Answer Question:Based on texts to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts to bring out the key messages and values. 

Long Answer Question: Based on texts to test global comprehension along with analysis and extrapolation. 

1. Flamingo: English Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi

2. Vistas: Supplementary Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi

Note: Long answer questions based on values can be given in the writing section or in the literature section.
Summary the  All Chapters :

Book 1 - Flamingo  


4. Rattrap
5. Indigo

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